Missouri   Waste 
Control  Coalition

Sponsorship and Exhibit Information

The MWCC 2025 conference is being held at the Lake at the superb site of the Margaritaville Resort at the Lake (formerly Tan-Tar-A Resort) July 13 - 15, 2025.

An exhibit booth is $850 and comes with one free conference registrationAny registration received prior to April 15th receives a $100 discount.

Exhibit Hall Layout

Once you have registered and paid for your booth with the Coalition, please use these forms for Margaritaville Resort (additional items needed for your booth  - MWCC is providing free Internet and 2-110 volt outlets at no charge) and  Shipping documents (Page and Brown).
The following sponsorships are available:
DIAMOND - $4,200
- listed as a sponsor of a speaker or reception
- exhibit booth
- double page ad in conference program or 2 separate ads
- a golf team and hole sponsorship
- 4 conference registrations
- listed on all publicity as a sponsor

PLATINUM - $3,000
- listed as a sponsor of speaker or lunch
- exhibit booth
- full page ad in conference program
- golf hole sponsorship
- 3 conference registrations
- listed on all publicity as a sponsor

GOLD - $2,200
-  as a sponsor of a break
- exhibit booth
- full page ad in conference program
- 2 conference registrations
- listed on all publicity as a sponsor

SILVER - $1,600
- exhibit booth
- full page ad in conference program
- 1 conference registration
- listed on all publicity as a sponsor

Young Professional Reception - $1,500 SOLD OUT
- full page in conference program
- 2 conference registrations
- listed on all publicity as a sponsor

Special Sponsor - $1,500
Select one of the following to sponsor:  entertainment, cruise, or
golf beverage cart  (beverage cart SOLD)
- full page ad in conference program
- 2 conference registrations
- listed on all publicity as a sponsor

Special Sponsor - $1,000
Select one of the following to sponsor:  entertainment, or
golf beverage cart  (beverage cart SOLD)
- full page ad in conference program
- 1 conference registration
- listed on all publicity as a sponsor

Raffle Sponsor - $1100 - SOLD OUT
- full page in conference program
- conference registration
- listed on all publicity as a sponsor

Golf Tournament - Hole Sponsorship - $200

Exhibit Booth - $850  (8' x 10')
- 1 conference registration

Double Booth - $1500 (8' x 20")
- 2 conference registrations

For a list of the 2025 sponsors and exhibitors click here.
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