Call for Presentations - Submit Here
Registration fees are $375 for the full conference, which includes meals and handouts; $325 for one day. After June 1st, the registration fees increase $25. Full refunds are available through July 3, 2025.
Prior to June 14, 2025, Room Rate for 2025 is $159 for run of the house, and Resort complex room. Rate for suites: $329 for Resort One Bedroom Suite, $459 for Resort Two Bedroom Suite. After June 14, regular hotel rates apply. which is a special page set up for our conference to receive the rates indicated above. Check-in time is 4:00 pm and check-out time is 11:00 am. CE INFORMATION The following Continuing Education Credits are available for the conference:
The golf tournament is Sunday, July 13, with a shotgun start at 10 am. We will be playing at The Oaks Golf Course. The registration fee for the golf tournament is $100 per person, or $400 for a team. RECEPTION FOR YOUNG PROFESSIONALS
The board of directors will be hosting a reception Sunday evening at 8:00 pm for those attendees who are new to the industry, with five or less years of experience. Be sure to indicate your interest in attending on the registration form. SCHOLARSHIP RAFFLE
Every year the Coalition provides scholarships to students at four-five Missouri universities. These students are often in attendance at the conference. Raffle tickets to support the scholarship fund may be purchased with your registration or onsite at the conference. Grand Prize is $1,000; first prize is $400 cash; and second prize is $200 cash. |